Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hanging out with Associates

Thirteen Associates and Associate candidates joined us for a time of retreat this week. They lucked out on the weather; it was sunny with temperatures in the high seventies, low eighties throughout the week.

Allan Spencer, new AHC of St Catherines, Ontario
Brother Josép, the Interim Director of Associates, had prepared a program centered on the theme "Back to Basics." I was asked to present a session to the Associates and talked with them about Christian hospitality (a theme on which I had preached last Sunday).

Hospitality is one of the basic values of Benedictine spirituality on which we ask our Associates to center their rule of life: Community, Hospitality, Humility, Balance and Mindfulness.

Dave Vaughn, new AHC of Onley, VA
The Associates also got to spend time with Bros. Josép, Roy, Robert James, Bede and Robert Leo (the James and Leo middle names is how we keep our new and past Superiors distinct).

Br. Josép is doing a great job working with Associates and Probationer Associates (people who are "trying it on for size" and discerning how to write a rule of life). As a matter of fact, three Probationers were received as Associates during this week.

Liz Haak, new AHC, of New York City
If you are interested in spiritual growth and in a more ordered spiritual life, then you may wish to consider becoming an Associate.

For more information or a copy of the Associates’ Rule, please contact Br. Josép Martinez-Cubero, Interim Director of Associates, Holy Cross Monastery, PO Box 99, West Park NY 12493.


Br. Lary Pearce
This past Monday, Br. Lary Pearce moved to the same nursing home as Br. Rafael Campbell-Dixon in the village of Highland. He will receive the much needed care that is appropriate for his health situation. The Hudson Valley Rehabilitation and Extended Care Center (HVREC quite a mouthful) is situated 7.5 miles South of the monastery. We can easily visit and also take our brothers out on occasions. 

Recently, Br. Rafael came to the monastery for the visit of the Presiding Bishop. 

Br. Rafael pays attention to the Presiding Bishop's preaching

This morning Br. Roy and I brought communion to our two HVREC residents. They were both in good spirits and happy to see us.  

Some of our Associates took some free time in their retreat schedule to go visit Rafael and Lary this week. We'll be happy to give you driving directions if you wish to do that next time you visit the monastery. 

Please pray for Br. Lary as he negotiates this important transition in his living arrangements.

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