Monday, August 21, 2017

The homing pigeons return

For the last three weeks, the monks have taken it easy. About half of them have gone away on vacation or family visits. Our Guesthouse reopens this Thursday. We are all returning to our usual schedule of offices, meals, work, prayer and study periods.

Br. Randy eclipse-catching while sharing an al fresco lunch with Br. Bernard in Poughkeepsie.
We are grateful for this time of respite. Those who went away benefited from the hospitality of friends who offered their house or apartment for "monastic house-sitting." Those who stayed benefited from our beautiful surroundings all to themselves. 

Brother Josep house-sat near the monastery, in Cottekill, NY. Brother Robert James went on vacation on Cape Cod with a couple of friends. Brothers Aidan, John, Joseph and Bernard went on vacation on Baily Island, Maine, at the invitation of Associates of the Monastery who own a vacation home there. Brother Roy visited with friends and family in NYC and Connecticut. Brother Bernard double-dipped and also got to apartment-sit in Manhattan. Our postulant Peter Pearson got to go teach icon-painting in Indiana and Washington.

Br. Josep pet and house-sitting in Cottekill, NY
Bros. Aidan, John, Joseph and Bernard (picture-taking) on a boat trip on Casco Bay, Maine.
Br. Bernard getting to cook for his Brothers.
Br. Joseph icon-painting to the sound of the ocean.
In the last week, all those who left have come home like homing pigeons returning to their pigeon loft. We have enjoyed the quieter and more leisurely time of these past three weeks. Now we are ready to reenter our routine with renewed vigor and vitality.


While our Guesthouse was closed, we took the opportunity to have our driveways and parking lots repaved. Our main driveway, in particular, was in need of improvement. It sees a lot of traffic, including large trucks that deliver goods for running the Guesthouse ministry.

Besides the improved driveway, our guests will find that our main parking lot is now paved in asphalt and that two designated handicapped parking spots have the required spacing between them.

The paving of the main parking lot should help make it easier to clear snow in the winter. 

Come and visit us soon!

1 comment:

Steve Turtell said...

Glad to see you all having a relaxed time away. You deserve it!