On Labor Day, Brothers Josép and Peter organized a cookout for the community. The weather was perfect; warm but not hot with a light breeze to keep us cool. I discovered the joys of barbecued peaches; yum!
At the beginning of the month, I decided to go back to being a vegetarian (at least until Easter 2018, and then we'll see). So I sampled the great veggie-burgers that Br. Josép grilled for me and himself. It felt very satisfying.
I have decided to do it for a variety of reasons: out of concern for how eating animals consumes such a large part of our agricultural and ecological resources, out of concern for our fellow sentient beings who are mostly mistreated in the way we produce meat, out of concern for my general health.
I once was a strict vegetarian several years ago. The only thing I didn't like about it was the extra effort I put other people to for providing me with vegetarian food when I was entertained. This time around, I will adapt to what my hosts are eating when I am invited somewhere. Otherwise, I will be able to benefit from the fact that there is always a vegetarian option available in our refectory.
A beautiful table at the NY Diocesan Office |
One case in point was our Diocesan Bishop's "Leaders of Religious Orders and Episcopal Visitor's Luncheon" this past Wednesday. Bishop Dietsche invites leaders and bishops yearly to enjoy each other's company, share on what's going on in our respective orders and receive the support of our diocesan bishops. Lamb chops were served and lamb chops I enjoyed. I'm trying this out until Easter and then we'll see.
From left to right, Br. Robert, Bp. Dietsche, Sr. Shane, CMA, Yours Truly, Bp. Shin, Sr. Anne, SSM, Esslie Hughes, Diocesan CFO, Br. John Henry, BSG, Sr. Faith Margaret, CHS and Sr. Carole Bernice, CHS |
Brother Robert James, Sister Shane of the Companions of Mary the Apostle and myself had driven together to the city for the occasion. On our way back, we got to take a flower arrangement home. We have placed it at the foot of the Mary and Child statue in our church.
Beautiful flower arrangements that graced our table |
Bishop Andrew Diestsche is not only our monastery's Diocesan Bishop but he is also the Bishop Visitor of the Order of the Holy Cross. This is a role mandated by our church canons. It enables a religious order to have access to an outsider/insider and to a wise counselor in spiritual and organizational matters. The Visitor is an outsider because he isn't one of the monks, but he is an insider in the church that we belong to. A good Visitor is one that engages in regular contact and cares about what religious orders have to offer the church and the world. We definitely have a good Visitor in Bp. Dietsche.
Our Lady looks right pleased with the offering |
This week, Br. Josép has been leading the Associates Fall Retreat. He had Bros. John, Aidan and Joseph also present sessions to the Associates. The retreat looked at a passage from the epistle to the Romans (chapter 12) in pieces and from different angles. The theme was
” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." The retreat was very positively received. Among other things, the Associates appreciated broader access to a variety of brothers.
The present Associates celebrated Holy Cross Day with us on Thursday. Br. Robert James preached a great sermon. And our cook prepared a lovely feast. In the afternoon, Brothers and Guests mixed during a pre-Vespers "wine and cheese" event.
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