Monday, November 20, 2017

A Novice and a Deacon

This past week was rich in happy events. We started off on Sunday afternoon with the clothing of The Rev. Peter Pearson as a novice at Vespers. He can now be properly referred to as Br. Peter. It is a simple and moving ceremony in which a monastic habit is blessed and offered to the new brother. He retires with his Novice Master to the sacristy to let go of the black cassock he wore during his postulancy and be vested in his monastic habit. He returns to be blessed by the Superior and embraced by his brothers. And then the usual order of Vespers follows as usual. Please keep Peter in your prayers as he pursues his monastic vocation in the noviciate.
From top, clockwise, Br. Bernard looks on as Br. Robert James, our Superior,
and Br. Bob, our Novice Master help Br. Peter straighten his scapular;
Br. Peter just vested in his monastic habit; Postulant Peter receiving his habit.
Then on Tuesday, our Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Andy Dietsche came to the monastery to ordain Br. Aidan to the diaconate. The Rev. Matthew Wright preached a great sermon. He reminded us that "once a deacon, always a deacon"; priestly ordination in seven months will not obliterate that part of Aidan's vocation. And that the diaconal vocation is about participating in and witnessing the world and bringing that back to the church for its edification. Several friends and relative of Br. Aidan to witness his ordination and help him celebrate. Bishop Dietsche stayed at the monastery for a couple of days' worth of retreating. He also met with brothers as our Bishop Visitor. Br. Aidan has blogged about his ordination. Please pray for Br. Aidan in his vocation as a deacon.
Rehearsals and preparations. From top, clockwise, Br. Robert James, Bp. Andy Dietsche, Br. Joseph, The Rev. Canon Charles Simmons, Canon for Ministry, Br. Aidan, Br. Randy; Mr. Erich Borden (brother of Br. Scott) and Br. Josép rehearsing the music; Br. Aidan, Ms. Phyllis NNN and Canon Simmons preparing for the service in the sacristy
The Examination of the candidate. Br. Aidan, Bishop Andy Dietsche and Br. Joseph
Setting the table. Serving the people. From left, clockwise, Br. Aidan and Bishop Dietsche preparing the offering.
Br. Aidan administering the chalice. A happy deacon!
From top, clockwise, deacon Aidan and the preacher, The Rev. Matthew Wright;
Bishop Dietsche and Ms. Stephanie Owen, Aidan's mother surrounding the newly-ordained brother;
A welcome smooch attack by his mom and his Brother Joseph; the new deacon with his Prior, Br. Bernard.
This week, Br. John was away at a residential segment of his year-long formation in Spiritual Direction. On Wednesday and Thursday, I visited General Theological Seminary to offer spiritual direction to students and staff as I do monthly during the academic year.

On Saturday, we received Daniel Crocker as an Associate. Daniel has long been a frequent visitor and supportive friend of the community. This time, Daniel brought his partner Bill Snyder with him to discover the monastery. We love it when you bring family and friends to experience one of your favorite places!

This weekend, I led a retreat called "Introduction to Centering Prayer." It was my first Intro to CP and it went very well with 18 people in attendance, amongst whom many Associates and a couple Associate Probationers. Our next Centering Prayer Retreat is scheduled for Tuesday,
February 6 – Friday, February 9. It will be led by Leslee Anne Terpay. We will offer the Intro to CP again next year.
From top, clockwise, the Hall family and friend: Sandi Eakin, Dan Hall, AHC, a deacon, Amelia Hall,
Chris Hall, AHC, a deacon, Sheri Hall (and we are missing other members of the family who have been here before);
Daniel Eugène Crocker, lastest AHC; Liz Haak, Tom Denham (probationer), Nadine Revheim, Barbara Seeton, "moi," Audrey Evans and Barbara Alton all AHC or aspiring to it.
Thank You, Beloved Lord, for all our Guests, Associates, and Benefactors!

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