Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Advent and Individually Directed Retreats

We are delighting in the quiet expectation of Advent. This past week we offered our Advent Individually Directed Retreats. The Guest House was in greater silence around the clock from Tuesday Compline to Fiday dinner. Retreatants met every day with their assigned director to explore what God and they are up to. We welcomed three outside directors and three of our brothers provided direction too. Each of them saw two or three directees throughout the week.
The Spiritual Directors. From top left, clockwise, Br. Joseph, Linda Barnes, Br. Randy,
Br. Bob, Sr. Susan John Mangan, Hildegard Pleva
During their retreat, the directees are encouraged to be mindful of how they use their time and not to get lost in escapist distraction. One of the directees spent some time with the birds on our property.
Ornithological Contemplation. Alex Gilchrist of Philadelphia, PA,
spent quality time with birds. From top, clockwise, a pileated woodpecker,
wild turkeys and the woodpecker's back.
We also received our first snow of the season this past week. The sun soon came out to give it brilliance. On this second Sunday of Advent, Brother Scott and I both preached on separate continents. Br. Scott was visiting the Church of Christ the King in Frankfurt, Germany where our Associate, Father John Perris is the Rector. Both Br. Scott's sermon and mine can be found as usual on our Sermons Blog. You can also listen to the audio file of my sermon (and hear me lead the congregation in a Godspell rendition of Prepare Ye the Ways of the Lord). Whenever we make a recording of our sermons they are featured with the text on our Sermons Blog.
From top, clockwise, The Rev. John Perris and Br. Scott under the Advent weath;
our own Advent wreath and first snow in West Park.
As most weeks, one of us brought communion to our Brothers at the Hudson Valley Rehabilitation and Extended Care. This nursing home is located in the little village of Highland, just 7 miles south of the monastery which enables us to visit often. On this visit, Br. Joseph found Br. Rafael engaged in a session of bingo. The story doesn't tell if he was winning.
Br. Rafael playing bingo.
We had the pleasure of hosting return visitors, Associates and first-time visitors this week.
From top clockwise, Associate Kathleen Breiten from Manhattan, NY and
neighbor and frequent visitor Cathy Kelly; Brosl Bob and Aidan in conversation with
Yanick Savain our Bookstore maven while Br. Roy serves a customer;
Br. Joseph with Sam Young from Manhattan, NY. Sam is an intern with
the NY Service and Justice Collaborative and works at St James, Madison Avenue
And thank you for all the good wishes and prayers that came my way following my TIA. I am taking good care of myself, going to all the follow-up medical appointments and taking medications that curtail my risks of future strokes.

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