It was a week of snow and very cold weather. Ice floes move back and forth on the Hudson River and the Coast Guard comes through regularly to make sure the navigation channel is open.
Br. Robert James clearing up one of our cars after a heavy snowfall.
And the pretty landscape from one of the porches in the monastic enclosure. |
Despite the inclement weather we continued to receive visits and make ones around our region.
From top, Br. Bede doing his bit to help in the socialization of Champ, a visiting service dog in training:
Br. Laurence paying a visit to Br. Rafael at his nursing home in the village of Highland. |
On Friday, we received our latest Associate, Emilie Trautmann, from New Paltz, NY. Emilie often attends mass at the monastery and is also a dedicated garden volunteer.
From top, clockwise, Emilie sporting her new Associates cross; Br. Josép, Direcctor of Associates receiving Emilie's pledge to follow the Rule of Associates; Emilie listening to her reception as an Associate. |
With the cold weather and the snow on the ground, only the bravest guests venture outside much. Most prefer the coziness of various sitting rooms.
From top, clockwise, Carolyne Hetrick, from Conyngham, PA, Karen Crosby, from Frostburg, MD and Steven Deshler, from New York, NY, puzzling together; John Chichester, from Ulster Park, NY, a neighbor who frequently visits us;
Joe Shedd, Susan Dixon and Elizabeth Shedd from Ithaca, NY, puzzling as a family. |
This weekend, we had a vestry retreat from Christ the King, Stone Ridge, NY. And a parish retreat from St James, Langhorne, PA, led by our Br. Bob on the theme of "There's a Wideness in God's Mercy." Both of these parishes have been visiting the monastery for decades. One Christ the King vestry person remembered coming here of retreat as a young boy with the youth group under the supervision of their then rector, Fr. Robert Magliula (now our Superior).
St James, Langhorne, PA parish retreat with Br. Bob leading them in hymn singing at the piano. |
Has your faith community come to the monastery for a retreat? Get in touch with our Guesthouse Office to organize one (845-384-6660 ext 1 or We'd love to have your folks visit us.
Next Saturday, I go to visit our brothers in Grahamstown South Africa for two weeks. I don't know if I'll be able to blog then. But hopefully, I'll bring you some pictures to share later.
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