Sunday, March 11, 2018

Seminary and EfM students always welcome!

This past week, we welcomed a large group of Princeton seminarians under the guidance of Professor Clifton Black. This is a yearly occurrence. We are always delighted to welcome groups of future leaders of God's People. If you are a seminarian yourself, know that we ask for half the suggested Guest House donation from seminarians. Mention that you are a seminarian a the time of making your booking.
Seventeen Princeton seminaria
and their professor, Clifton Black (in the cap on center right)
This weekend, we welcomed an Education for Ministry group that meets at St James Church in Hartford, CT. They are also a returning group. The EfM alumni of the group insisted to be able to join and come back on retreat with their previous EfM colleagues!

We also hosted a group from Philadelphia's Lutheran Theological Seminary and Manhattan's Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity.

On Saturday, we dispensed Compline to give everyone a chance to catch some early shut-eye to make up for the the springing forward of the clock in the night.

Br. Randy has returned from his job as Chaplain to the House of Bishops which was meeting in Camp Allen, TX, this past week.

Bros. Aidan and Joseph are away on a parish mission at St Mary's Church, in Arlington, VA. Br. Aidan preached and Br. Joseph led the Sunday School.
Br. Aidan, The Rev. Christopher Cole of St Mary's, Arlington, VA and Br. Joseph
Our Open Hearts, Open Doors Capital Campaign is still going strong. We will continue to sollicit donation through the fall of this year. To date, we have received pledges totaling $2,464,584.

We are hopeful of meeting our fundraising goal of $2,550,000 and of making good progress towards our $3,000,000 stretch goal.

Thank you very much to all those of you who have already supported the campaign. If you can, consider an additional gift to the campaign to get us past the goalpost!

If you haven't made a pledge to the campaign yet, please consider how you can support our life and ministries that way. You can find out more about the Opent Doors, Open Hearts Capital Campaign at

Lenten Blessings!

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