Sunday, April 8, 2018

Easter Week

Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed!

We had a great Easter. And we hope you did the same.

But after all the intensity of Holy Week in a monastery, some rest and recreation was needed.

The community takes an exceptional two days of sabbath after Holy Week. After renewing our energies, we are ready to return to our various ministries.

Speaking of ministries, we have some news. Brothers Randy and Bob are both taking charge of parishes in our mid-Hudson Valley region. This will extend our ministry to three local congregations: Br. Bob will become priest-in-charge at both Ascension-Holy Trinity in West Park and at Christ Church, Marlboro; Br. Randy will become priest-in-charge at Christ Church in Red Hook. They are both officially starting in the next few weeks but have also offered clergy supply to those parishes in the last few months.

Brothers Randy and Bob are both continuing their existing community responsibilities. Their part-time remunerated ministry will also contribute to the budget of the monastery. We are grateful to them for the many ways in which they serve.

Br. Joseph also often offers clergy supply in regional parishes. All this contributes to the monastery being more widely known in our Episcopal church.

This week, the community received an Adopt-a-highway safety training. We have committed to clean up the sides of Route 9W along the mile passing in front the monastery. Safety of volunteers and motorists is paramount to the Department Of Transportation who manages the Adopt-a-highway program. Hence our colorful outfit for the occasion: bright yellow hard hat and fluo orange and yellow vest.
Holy Cross Monastery adopts a mile of Route 9W. From top left, Bros. Robert Leo and Robert James sport their safety vest in the comfort of our library; Br. Bede looking good in any color; Bros. Roy, Bob and Bernard setting off on a clean-up misssion; Bros. Roy and Bob showing off one of the five bags we filled in two hours.
Brothers Roy, Bob and I put our newly learned skills to good use this Saturday. We spent two hours cleaning up about 300 yards North of the monastery. This kind of clean-up has not happened for a long while. It amazed me to realize how much trash our fellow drivers discard through their window. And it made me appreciate why I was wearing a hard hat... The first go around will be the heaviest. Little by little, we will tidy up "our" little stretch of 9W.

This week, Br. Aidan led a Maker's Pilgrimage at the monastery. This retreat attracted 16 makers of all kinds to explore the spirituality of their craft. Their creative energy could be felt in the house. We also hosted a couple of parish groups from Philadelphia and Long Island. And as always, we also welcomed lots of self-directed retreatants.
From top left, clockwise, Br. Aidan, seated second from right and the participants in his Maker's Pilgrimage; Makers in conversation: Associate Pam Shore, from Metuchen, NJ, and Ann Wait, from Saratoga Springs, NY, with Justin McNeill from Los Angeles, CA and Ellen Doster, from Philadelphia, PA: newcomers Adam and Yvonne Yu-Snyder, from Brooklyn, NY; Br. Bob's "Orchid Hospital": he takes orchids in-between blooms and brings them back to flowering.
Well, let's have Spring now. As I wrote this (Sunday), a few snowflakes had the nerve to fall on the meadow.

Have you booked your next retreat at the monastery? Check out our Retreat Programs. We are always happy to welcome you in our home.

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