The 306th Chapter of the Order of the Holy Cross convened at our Monastery this past Tuesday and lasted until Sunday. Chapter assembled 26 Life Professed Brothers, 3 Brothers in Temporary Vows and one Novice. Only 4 Brothers couldn't make it to Chapter.
Chapter enables us to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood amongst our various houses and to expedite any legislative business we might need to attend to (which there was little of this year). We also take this occasion to receive reports from the various parts of the Order. Each year, there is also a formative time. This year we heard about contemplative transitioning: approaching change and the emotions it brings about from the soul.
But we started Annual Chapter with a bang with the ordination to the priesthood of our Brother Aidan. Our Bishop Visitor, Andy Dietsche, who is also the local Diocesan Bishop, came to the monastery for a couple of days. On Tuesday morning, we opened the Chapter proceedings and then promptly adjourned to celebrate Aiden's ordination.
Joining in worship. From top, clockwise: priests sat in choir to participate in the laying on of hands later in the liturgy, from left to right, Br. Thomas Schultz, Br. Adam McCoy, and Br. Carl Sword; on the other side of choir, Br. Robert Hagler, Br. Christian Swayne, Br. Rafael Campbell-Dixon, and Br. Brian Youngward; Yanick Savain and The Rev. Matthew Wright join lustily in the singing. |
The examination of the candidate and the consecration of the priest. From top, clockwise: Aidan answers the questions of the Bishop; all the attending priests grouped around Aidan (prostrated on the left) for the consecration; Bishop Dietsche consecrates Aidan a priest. |
The vesting and the great thanksgiving. From top, clockwise, The Rev. Charles Simmons, diocesan canon for ministry, and Br. Joseph Wallace-Williams help Bishop Dietsche to dress Br. Aidan as a priest; Br. Aidan and Sr. Elizabeth Broyles, gospeler and preacher, at the altar: Sr. Elizabeth, Br. Aidan, Bp. Dietsche and Br. Joseph at the altar. |
First blessings. After the mass, Br. Aidan spent a long time in the church, praying with all those who sought his first blessings. From top left, clockwise: Bp. Dietsche, Aidan's Mom, Stephanie Owen; The Rev. Matthew Wright; and Aidan's Superior, Br. Robert James Magliula. |
Dozens of friends, family members, and Holy Cross Associates were with us for the occasion. The guests joined the brothers for a festive dinner of Mexican street food. We filled the refectory and a long banqueting table set al fresco on the Great Cloister.
That same afternoon, the Finance Committee of the Order met to continue the preparations for our Annual Chapter. Chapter proper resumed the next morning, in the afterglow of the very happy occasion of Br. Aidan's ordination.
Chapter casual, chapter formal. From top, clockwise: each evening, the brothers relax and have refreshments together between Vespers and supper; group picture at the end of Chapter after mass. |
Thanks be to God for the Order of the Holy Cross and for Chapters that bring us all together.
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