My nephew, who last visited the monastery nine years ago, recently asked me to WhatsApp him with pictures of the people I live with. Every few days, I send him a selfie with a brother, telling him a bit about who they are. It's nice to connect my communtiy and my family this way.
In early September, I'm spending a couple of weeks in Europe. I'll bookend a one week trip to the South of Italy with a few days in Belgium. I look forward to seeing my family again. It's been two years since last time we saw each other in person.
From top, clockwise, Brother Josép Martinez-Cubero, our Choirmaster and my Administrative Assistant - he's a fantastic help and me; Brother Roy Parker and me. Br. Roy blows me away with his healthy and faithful lifestyle and I love his calligraphies too. |
From Tuesday to Thursday, we observed our periodic Contemplative Days. We have fewer guests and the whole monastery and guest house are in greater silence around the clock. Many guests love these days and book themselves for more in the future. We observe a simplified liturgical schedule: mass at mid-day and no diurnum, nor compline. The monks are encouraged to let go of work and focus on meditation, prayer and study. One first-time guest told me she liked the deep silence and then the gentle and progressive return of conversation on Friday before returning to the hustle and bustle of her everyday life.
This weekend, one of our Associates came with two of her sisters and a cousin to spend quality time together. We love it when people share the monastery with their partners, relatives, and friends.
From top left, clockwise: Jennifer Harold, from Seattle, WA, four New Yorkers at the same table. Jayne Smith, friends Lily and Shiman, and David Keller; Three Sisters and a Cousin (isn't there Chekhov play by that name... ;-). Our Associate, Cheryl Kuchler, from Blackwood, NJ (second from right) gathered her sister Joy Greene, cousin Michele Restino and sister Jodie Morgan;, Br. Scott with Alan Yarborough, from Washington, DC. |
On Saturday, I celebrated the Belgian National Holiday by giving thanks in my heart for all that my native country has given me. In the evening, Brothers John and Josép, and I, went to celebrate their patronal feast with the
Companions of Mary the Apostle and their friends. We shared a "coffee-table Eucharist" ended by a festive line of dancing through their living room and garden. Then we enjoyed a delicious potluck supper al fresco (the weather was perfect for it). We are blessed to have the CMA's as our Northern neighbors. We give thanks for the gifts they share so generously.
From top left, clockwise: Associate John Perris from NYC; a composition of tiger lilies from the gardens by Br. Robert James; Associate Carol Craddock sewing a scapular for our Superior, Br. Robert James. |
This Sunday, the feast of Mary Magdalene (Mary the Apostle), I reconnected with our Associate, The Rev. John Perris, recently back from having been rector of the Episcopalian parish in Frankfort, Germany for a few years. Fr. Perris is taking on the ministry of Canon to the Ordinary in our diocese of New York. We expect to see him more often again.
Congratulations to our Associate Carol Craddock on a soon-to-be-reached and well-earned retirement! Carol has been a seamstress at the Metropolitan Opera for over forty years. Thankfully, she's still willing to countenance a sewing machine for a few hours on her frequent visits to the monastery! Our Associates are up to all sorts of good through the world. Thank God for each of them.
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