Devin McKay a frequent visitor from Long Island was recently here with her husband. A couple of days later, she sent me this lovely poem that captures the bittersweet feelings some of you experience leaving the Guest House on a Sunday.
Stay: Sunday Morning at Holy Cross - by Devin McKay
I opened my eyes and the dawn said “stay”.
I made my way down to the church.
I took my place to celebrate Matins.
And the morning said “stay.”
Matins was lovely – holy benediction –
And the morning said “stay”.
Eggs and silence;
Coffee and the morning softness
And the day said “stay.”
But I could not.
Change the sheets, make the bed,
Already envious of the next occupants.
And the day said “Don’t go.”
Mass and then it was time to leave.
Driving away,
It was 2011 again and I was
Leaving for the first time.
My heart was breaking then
As it nearly does now-
But this time,
When the monastery whispers “stay”,
I can say I will return.
Thanks be to God.
We are always happy to see you come back for some quality time with God at the monastery. Here are a few frequent visitors from the past months:
From top left, clockwise: Kay Bothinard and Peter Field, from Ridgewood, NJ, who just got married in our area; Gary Johnson, from NYC, Jacob Clark, from Waldwick, NJ, who visited with his mom and sister, this weekend; Melissa Morgenweck, from NYC, Walter and Devin McKay, from Mineola, NY. |
This weekend, our Associate Peter Field married Kay Bothinard at Kieran Farms in nearby Gardiner. It was a beautiful wedding overlooking the Shawangunk Ridge. Brother Bede, a good friend of Peter, presided over the exchange of the rings. All in all, the newlyweds had 9 clergy and religious present to celebrate with them. Their families and friends came from Thailand, Italy, Canada, Missouri and throughout the Northeast. Brother Josép and I were also present. We wish Kay and Peter and their daughter Genevieve joy, serenity and ongoing love as a newly-formed family.
Kay and Peter's wedding. From top, clockwise: the Thai Water Pouring blessing ceremony; Br. Bede (hidden behind the groom) presiding to the exchange of the rings; Genevieve Field, Peter's daughter; a guest pouring water from a conch on the couple's hands. |
Friends and family of the bride and groom. From top left, clockwise: the bride enjoying a moment with a high school friend and her mother; Br. Bede relaxing with ex-colleagues of the groom on hay bales; Dunk-the-groom merriment: the alley of sparklers to wish the newlywed Bon Voyage; various religious and clergy gathered to pray blessings over Kay and Peter before their send-off. |
This weekend, Br. Aidan was leading our traditional Prayerful Stitches retreat. As usual, they went on a field trip to the New York
Sheep and Wool Family Festival on Saturday.
We heard circumstantial accounts of wedding-goers having a somewhat harder time finding AirBnB accommodation in the mid-Hudson Valley. Each year, we host lots of happy festival goers at the monastery, whether they participate in the prayerful stitches retreat or not. Plan ahead for 2019...
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