Most weeks, when I write this column, I'm surprised at all that is going on in our community. Lots of prayer, worship, and ministry gets done by these sixteen (at last count) men. I am happy to call them my Brothers.
This week, Br. Robert Leo was offering spiritual direction at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT.
On Thursday, we received Mr. Vance Greenway as our latest Postulant. Vance comes from Washington, DC. His monastic formation will be coordinated by Br. Bob Pierson, our Novice Master.
The reception of a Postulant. From top left clockwise: Vance is examined by Br. Robert James, our Superior, in the presence of his Novice Master, Br. Bob; the newest member of the community exchanges the peace with its eldest member, Br. Laurence; a close-up of the examination; Vance receiving the welcome of his new Brothers. |
On the afternoon of the same day, we welcomed Simeon Bruce who arrived from Texas for a two-week Aspirant visit. An Aspirant has been in conversation with our Vocations Minister for a number of months (Br. Bob is also our Vocations Minister). He eventually comes to live with us in the enclosure to find out if this life and community is for him. The community does a similar discernment of whether the man is called to live the monastic vocation with this monastic community.
Please pray for Vance and Simeon as they deepen the discernment of how God calls them to love God and neighbor and to be loved in their lives.
This week, Br. Josép has been busy crafting the invitation to his Life Profession (including a calligraphy by Br. Roy). The big day is on Tuesday, November 20th at 11AM. It is wonderful to see over four years of discernment in the monastery come to this fruition.
Br. Josép Martinez-Cubero will soon make his Life Profession of the Benedictine vow. From top clockwise: Bros. Josép and Bernard awaiting the meal bell in the coffee area; Br. Josép enjoying the morning sun on the enclosure's porch: discussing the beauty of The Met's Aida at Bardavon Theater with Br. Aidan and Mr. Vance Greenway, our latest postulant. |
On Friday, we had a Community Training Day. We welcomed two CPR instructors who taught us CardioPulmonary Resuscitation and how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). After getting the theory, it was time to try CPR for ourselves on several mannequins. Now that we are informed and trained in the matter, we will acquire two defibrillators (one in the Guest House and one in the Enclosure).
CPR hands-on training. From top left clockwise: The Superior trying his hand at saving our mannequin from cardiac arrest: the community paying attention to Sam, one of our instructors, showing us how it is done: Br. Bob applying the technique: Br. Joseph following suit; Mr. Vance Greenway, Mr. Simeon Bruce, and Br. Randy paying attention to Br. Robert Leo's technique. |
Our community received a beautiful handmade chasuble and stole in honor of Br. Aidan's ordination to the priesthood. The vestments were beautifully crafted by an online friend who follows Br. Aidan's Instagram feed (
knittingmonk). Luckily, Br. Aidan does not condone in "the evil practice (of private property)" to quote the rule of St Benedict. Our celebrants will all get to use this beautiful vestment.
Receiving a beautiful chasuble. An online follower of Br. Aidan's Instagram feed offered to make a set of vestments in honor of his ordination to the priesthood. Br. Aidan asked for a green vestment with a Creation theme including a vine. He celebrated mass in it this Sunday morning. Thank you very much NNN. You are amazing seamster. |
Br. Aidan has recently taken on another fiber art: natural dyeing. I got to benefit from his newfound skills in a nice polo dyed with onion skins.
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Various. From top left clockwise: sporting a polo shirt dyed by Br. Aidan with onion skins: reading scripture at mass Sunday of last week; Br. Joseph eager to attend Daily Chapter, breezing into our Chapter Room; a close-up of that beautiful onion skin dye (it complements my khaki pants). |
We look forward to your (next) visit to our Monastery. We are only a phone call (845-384-6660) or a
few clicks away. I regularly pray for those who follow us on the web.
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This week it's a wee bit self-serving as I was our latest preacher...
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