On Tuesday, November 20, Brother Josép Martinez-Cubero made his Life Profession of the Benedictine Vow in the presence of his mom, many friends, fellow religious and the Brothers.
It was a moving ceremony of simple and great beauty. Josép had carefully chosen readings and hymns and had asked several of his musician friends to perform. Holy Cross Brothers from Toronto and California were present for the occasion.
From top left, clockwise: the Holy Cross Brethren; Josép surrounded by his Superior, Br. Robert James who also was his Novice Master a few years ago and his Prior, Br. Bernard; Brothers listening to Br. Robert James' sermon; the prostration in front of the altar while the Veni Creator Spiritu is sung; Josép receiving the blessing of his Superior; Josép, newly professed, is greeted by his Brothers. |
From top, clockwise: Josép with visiting religious: with the Holy Cross Priory, Toronto, Brothers; with Yanick Savain and Matthew Wright; with members at various times of the Pied Piper Children's Theater that Josép founded many years ago. |
Brother Josép's mother had come to the monastery for a few days around the profession. On Wednesday, Josép got to take his introduce her to NYC. They had a grand time.
On Thanksgiving, we gave thanks for all the donors to our completed Open Doors, Open Hearts Capital Campaign and we blessed the pledge cards. We look forward to all the improvements we will be able to bring to the monastery in the next couple of years.
Blessing the pledge cards. The cards were by the ambo (lower left) as Br. Bernard gave a short homily of thanksgiving for a successful campaign; they were then blessed by Br. Bob and made their way to the altar for the offertory. |
We had a full house of overnight guests and day visitors for Thanksgiving and our chefs, Bob Morano, and Melissa Short had pulled all the stops for a festive banquet. And our Guest House Manager, Lori Callaway contributed the desserts.
From top left, clockwise: Br. Aidan, our Guest Master surveys the setting up of the food by our chefs, Bob Morano and, Melissa Short; Br. Bernard reads the menu and prays the graces for an eager crowd; clothed and flowered table; wine and cider; the dessert buffet. |
Br. Aidan's mom arrived on Thanksgiving Day for a couple of days. It is been great to have Elba (Br. Josép's mom) and Stephanie (Br. Aidan's mom) with us for the weeks' festivities. We love welcoming relatives of our monks at the monastery.
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God Bless You All !
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