Monday, November 5, 2018

Contemplative days, a pre-ordination retreat and ministry celebrations

This past week, we celebrated the feasts of All Saints and All Souls in the midst of our Contemplative Days (silence round-the-clock, simpler worship schedule, lighter work, fewer guests). We reflected on the Saints passed and alive who inspire our lives. We reflected on all the departed that have a place in our hearts. As for Halloween, we celebrate it as the Eve of All Hallows (whence its secular name evolved). No trick-or-treaters come down our dark driveway on Halloween (too spooky?). We have long stopped having candy on hand that evening.
Halloween had a special resonance for me this year as it was the twentieth anniversary of my arrival in NYC to come and live in this country. I remember observing from the cab, all the wizards and witches I saw on the sidewalks. I knew it was a special evening in more ways than one. This Sunday, I also celebrated the ninth anniversary of my Life Profession of the Benedictine Vow. I am grateful for what this country is contributing to my life and to what my monastic community is enabling me to continue to become. It is my prayer that I may give back to both by being an instrument of God's Love.

This past week, Br. Josép went to New Mexico to attend the Ordination and Consecration of the new Bishop of the Diocese of Rio Grande, The Most Rev. Michael Hunn. Michael is an Associate of our Order and asked Josép to come and sing the Prayers of the People and the Veni Sancte Spiritu at his ordination. Br. Josép took the opportunity to make his pre-profession retreat a the Bosque Retreat and Conference Center in Albuquerque, NM.

From top,  clockwise, Bp. Michael Vono, soon-to-be Bp. Michael Hunn and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; a view of the Diocesan Retreat Center where Br. Josép made his pre-profession retreat; Michael Hun and his family listening to the Presiding Bishop's sermon, with Br. Josép appreciating the humor in the background.
As the loving Brother that he is, he then made every effort to fly back home in time to sing at Br. Randy's commissioning at the parish of Christ Church, Red Hook on Sunday. Br. Josép got back home at 3 a.m. in the morning and still managed to sound beautiful as he sang at communion.

The Rev. John Perris, Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of New York presided and preached at the Eucharist that framed the Welcome and Commissioning of Br. Randy in his parish. John is also an Associate of our Order and stayed for the weekend with his wife Cat at the monastery.
The Welcome and Commissioning of Br. Randy as priest-in-charge at Christ Church, Red Hook. From top left, clockwise: The Rev. John Perris, Deacon Linda Duval, Br. Randy and an acolyte processing out of the sanctuary; Br. Randy getting ready to cut the celebratory cake; Br. Randy's capture of the morning sun over the church; Randy focusing on the important responsibility of ministry; the two Senior Wardens and Br. Randy listening to The Rev. John Perris commissioning Randy in this new(ish) ministry; the welcomed priest receiving the applause of the congregation.
We give thanks for all these people who give their ministry to the Church.

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