I heard from some of you that the photo collages were too small to enjoy. So I'm trying them two sizes larger this time around. Let me know what you think.
The members of the Council of the Order of the Holy Cross were meeting in person at our Californian monastery in Santa Barbara this past week. It was nice to move around in sandals and a sweater for a few days in the middle of our New York winter. But, on the downside for the New Yorkers, it rained every day we were there. The Californian Brothers were grateful for the replenishing of their water reservoirs after years of drought. Thanks be to God!
The Council comprises Br. Adam McCoy, Br. Reginald Crenshaw and our own Bros. Bernard, Bob and Robert Leo. We advise our Superior, Br. Rob Magliula on matters of import to the Order. We had three good days of meetings and did some important work, including planning for the Order's next Annual Chapter in West Park in June.
Br. Robert Leo and I arrived a couple of days before our work meetings began. On our Sabbath Day (Monday) I walked the seven miles back and forth to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History on the Santa Barbara Pier. I learned a lot about the great diversity of American sharks. I've been making efforts to exercise more in the simplest possible fashion: walking more. I downloaded an app that tracks my progress against a daily goal of 8000 steps (an attainable stretch from my usual 5 to 6000 daily steps). To date, I've met my goal 17 out of 18 days so far. Yeah! Once the daily goal gets too easy to meet, I'll move the goal up a bit.
Please keep Max in your prayers as he discovers monastic life in the months to come. He joins Vance Greenway in the Postulancy. They will have classes together with our monastic intern Ben Hansknecth. It's good for all these men to be in a "class" of their own.
1 comment:
Thank you for posting the larger photos, Br. Bernard. It is always a delight to see the Prior's Column pop up on my news feed. I suspected from your previous post that I saw Br. Tom Schultz in the photo. It was good to confirm what my eyes were telling me. I first met him when he was at the Priory in Pineville, SC - many, many years ago.
I look forward to being at the monastery for the Triduum again this year. I'm bring my husband, he retired from "priesting" last May.
Peace to you and all the brothers.
Chris Ch8iles
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