Sunday, February 3, 2019

Polar vortex and Associates Retreat

This past week, another Capital Campaign project came to fruition. The stained glass restorers brought us back our British Saints. The glass has been cleaned; the leading has been redone; the windows have been framed in wood. The new panels will now live indoors in the Pilgrim Hall (protected from the weather and the movement they suffered on their hinges when in the back of the church). They look beautiful, particularly when the afternoon sun hits the windows behind them. And of course, the Pilgrim Hall was once the monastery's church when we had only the 1902 building: so our saints feel right at home there. Come and hang out with Dunstan, Chad and Aidan in Pilgrim Hall.
The renovated stained glass panels. From left to right, St Dunstan, St Chad and St Aidan.
We sustained the polar vortex that struck the Northeast US. We particularly appreciated that the HVAC units that were installed last summer as part of the capital campaign contributed to keeping the church at a comfortable temperature for worship. Unfortunately, our Refectory HVAC units reached their lower limit of efficiency and struggled to keep the room comfortably warm for a couple of days (comfy sweaters were encouraged for dinner attire). We are welcoming the return of above freezing temperatures.
Winter occupations. Mr. Maximilian Esmus, our new postulant, also works in the monastic library. Meanwhile, Br. Randy courageously gets a car cleared up of snow accumulation to venture out.
During the week, we welcomed a group of seven students and a professor from General Theological Seminary. I led them in exploring types of personal prayer, both kataphatic and apophatic types (to throw a couple of high faluting terms here).

As the weekend approached, Associates gathered for a retreat. Br. Josép led the group in exploring how to embody their Christian commitment in daily life. On Saturday, we received our newest Associate, Alex Gilchrist, from Philadelphia. If you wonder about becoming an Associate, ask Br. Josép about it.

Associates enjoying the Guesthouse and the traditional pre-Vespers reception during Associate retreats. From top left, Chris Amy, from Toronto, enjoying a quiet read in the Avery Brooke Library; Br. Bob catching up with Associates Joyce Palevitz, from Austin, TX and Nadine, Revheim, from Beacon, NY; Br. Randy telling them about his ministry to the people of Christ Church in Red Hook.
We hope you are staying comfortably warm, wherever you are.

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