On November 20 of last year, our Brother Josép gave us the great joy of witnessing his Life Profession. This past Tuesday, Brother Aidan gave us the great joy of witnessing his Life Profession, less than three months after Brother Josép. We are over the moon about the commitment of both these beloved Brothers.
You can view more of Aidan's profession pictures at the following two sites:
Br. Randy's pictures,
- and The Rev.
Janet Vincent's pictures.
But you'll find my small selection in collages below.
Br. Robert James, our Superior loves to arrange flowers and knew that tulips are a favorite of Aidan's. Tulips were also featured in Br. Robert Leo's sermon. In the middle ground of the bottom right picture, we see Aidan's uncle Mike on the left and the back of Aidan's head as guests look towards him. |
Life Professions are always very moving and this one was no exception. Br. Robert James presided and Br. Robert Leo preached. The first was Br. Aidan's Novice Master and the second was Superior when Aidan entered the Order of the Holy Cross.
The profession service. From top left, clockwise: Br. Aidan prostrated in front of the altar during the singing of the Veni Creator Spiritus hymn (Come Holy Spirit); the examination of the candidate for Life Profession by the Superior; Br. Aidan receives a copy of the Rule of Saint Benedict; a humorous moment during Br. Robert Leo's sermon (Br. David Brian Hoopes from our Toronto Priory is next to Aidan); Aidan joyfully prepares to embrace his aunt Dawn. |
During his beautiful and moving sermon, Br. Robert Leo referred to a blog entry wrote on the feast of the Epiphany "planting tulips in a time of war." It says a lot about where he is in his monastic vocation and is well worth the read. As is always the case for such a festive occasion, all the Brothers were involved in the celebration.
Brothers celebrating the Life Profession. From left, clockwise: a rare picture of a photographer photographed - Br. Randy; Br. Robert James listens as Br. Robert Leo reads the gospel; Mr. Max Esmus, our "junior Postulant" is also a gifted organist and accompanied the service beautifully; Br. Aidan with our proud Superior. |
Many of Br. Aidan's relatives and friends participated in the feast. We always are happy to see them visit us.
From left, clockwise: our long-term resident Yanick Savain congratulates Br. Aidan with a well-printed smack on the cheek; the community of monks (locals and visitors) surrounding the newly-professed; Br. Aidan with friends from his time at Union Seminary in NYC (from left, C.B. Stewart, Meredith Kadet-Sanderson and Lindsey Briggs). |
The day of the profession saw a snow storm. Several guests planned to stay overnight to avoid traveling difficulties. It gave Aidan to visit with them in a more leisurely way.
Hanging out. From left, clockwise: Br. Bernard snatched a green ribbon from a profession present to improvise a fetching cravat; Br. Aidan visiting with Denise Wade, and Hannah Poole; with Associate Cheryl Kuchler. |
And then, after such a portentous day, life goes back to normal as it should. There too ongoing conversion to the monastic way of life is happening.
Everyday scenes after profession. Br. "Weeder in Chief" as he styles himself starts seedlings for the coming spring (what faith!); Mr. Ben Hansknecht, our monastic intern introduces Aidan to the strategy game of Tak; Br. Aidan showing off his newly acquired profession cross on a visit to Br. Rafael in the Highland nursing home; one of Aidan's many green contributions to our living environment (an amaryllis forced from the bulb). |
Please pray for our two recently Life Professed Brothers (Josép and Aidan).
If you know a man who would consider a monastic vocation, direct him to
Br. Bob Pierson, our Vocations Minister, and Novice Master. We love to grow vocations as much as Br. Aidan loves to grow tulips.
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