Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hellebores and bulk carriers

Br. Robert Leo was visiting Yale Divinity School to offer spiritual direction this week.

It is starting to look as if spring might be here. But it snowed lightly on Friday...
From top: Hellebores blooming in the Little Cloister (they are also known as Lenten Roses); Br. Bob's Orchid Hospital looking comfy while the (last?) snow falls on the grounds; seedlings being weather-hardened for a few hours at a time; seedlings getting extra "daylight" in the morning and evening inside our winter garden.
On Thursday, Br. Josép came home from a visit with his Mom in St Petersburg, Florida.

Br. Aidan and Ben Hansknecht, our intern, have gotten busy in the garden this past week.

From top to bottom: woodpecker craft on a disease pine in Slabsides Conservancy; our monastic intern, Ben Hansknecht installing metal wires to guide future climbing roses; Br. Aidan considering a bit of pruning.
The lilac bush in front of the Guest House is budding. But we can't yet see the green coming through on the trees of the Vanderbilt Mansion National Site across the river.

A bulker parked on the Hudson River. This one is registered in Singapore and came to us from Greece on its way to Troy, NY. From top, clockwise: as seen from my cell, from the monks' parking lot and from the enclosure common room.


Attention Washington DC Area Associates and Friends. Br. Robert Leo will be visiting DC on Mother's Day weekend.

You are invited to a gathering of Associates and friends of Holy Cross Monastery and the Order of the Holy Cross on Saturday morning, May 11, from 9:00 – 12:15 at lovely St. Alban's Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave NW,  next to the Washington National Cathedral.  

The schedule includes a time of greeting beginning at 9:00; Morning Prayer at 9:30; a reflection offered by Br. Robert Sevensky, OHC, former Superior; quiet time in and around the Cathedral grounds; an opportunity for news and updates about the Monastery and Order; and Noonday Prayer.   

Let us know by Wednesday, May 8 if you will be joining us.  You can email your RSVP to Br. Robert at

Feel welcome to invite others who might be interested in knowing more about Holy Cross and contemporary monastic life in the Episcopal Church.

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