Sunday, January 14, 2024

Long Retreat

The twelve days of Christmas came to an end on the feast of the Epiphany. Christmas is already starting to feel like an old memory.

Each year, on Christmas Day, after the festivities and our guest have departed, the brothers get together "to open their presents." We each get from our community 100$ to give to charity. On Christmas Day, we tell each other why we care about those charities and we enjoy refreshments in our Common Room. This is when Br. Josép's fabled coquito makes its welcome apparition.

Christmas. From top left, clockwise: Bros. Aidan and Josép on a Christmas Day hike to the nearby Burroughs Sanctuary; the Brothers' Christmas party (five pictures).

On New Year's day after our last guests have departed once again, we gather together in Pilgrim Hall with pizzas and refeshments to enjoy the large Christmas tree. The next day is a sabbath day and then the community launches on its eight day Long Retreat. During that time, the guesthouse remains closed, we have a simplified liturgical schedule, no meetings, no work and round-the-clock silence. Bliss (for some)!

During the first few days of Long Retreat, the Three Kings figurines slowly make their way from our Chapter Room to the crèche in the church. The tacit agreement, is that nobody should see them being moved along, so that they appear to process on their own. Somehow, they always make it on time to the crèche.

New Year's Day and getting to the crèche. From top left, clockwise: the Three Kings on a stop in the belltower (2 pictures); the Three Kings worshiping baby Jesus (2 pictures); New Year Day's pizza party in the Pilgim Hall (2 pictures).

The day after Epiphany, Christmastide being completed, all Christmas decoration come down. This year we were treated to the first serious snow of this winter. It is a special treat to be on silent retreat in the midst of this winter wonderland. This was the first time, Br. Edwin, our Novice from South Africa, saw  a substantial snow fall. The next morning, he excitedly took his camera out to share the wonder with his friends and family back home.

After the first big snowfall. From top left, clockwise: the old oak in the little cloiser; the cemetery and its cross; Mother and Child having a bit of a chill; an enclosure porch view; view of our meadow from a monastic cell.

During Long Retreat, the brothers refrain from work. But some work gets done. The sacristans do not go on strike, thank goodness. And our contractors take advantage of the time for some repair and maintenance work. During Long Retreat the monks do not meet in daily chapter. So our contractors Lewis and Jamie Morano were able to work on ceiling repairs that were needed there.

Goings-on during the quiet of Long Retreat. From left, clockwise: Lewis and Jamie Morano repairing the ceiling of our Chapter Room; Br. Edwin laying down vestments in the sacristy for the next Eucharist; Br. Edwin marveling at the snow; Lewis and Jamie working in the Chapter Room.

We wish you a serene and healthy New Year.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Thank you. I so love getting to see these pictures. - Meg