Sunday, November 10, 2024


This week, Br. Bernard was visiting Yale Divinity School for a couple of days to offer spiritual direction to seminarians. Also, Br. Aidan was serving as chaplain at our diocesan convention in White Plains, NY, on Friday and Saturday.

And of course, we had elections happening on Tuesday. Many of us had voted early, so only a few of us voted on the day itself. Most of us go to bed soon after compline so we found out the results the next morning.

Our Br. Ephrem was preaching this Sunday morning. Among a broader message of care for the lowly, he also offered the following:
... allow me to offer three Christian responses that may be helpful in light of today’s readings:

1. Don’t allow the contrast between your worldview and an opposing worldview to cause you to demonize or dehumanize the other no matter how demonic or dehumanizing their worldview may be.  An “us vs. them” mentality will only widen the chasm.

2. The process toward justice and peace is a long one full of setbacks and disappointments.  So, hold to the faith that God remains God even when the clouds set in.

3. Never tire of preaching the gospel of our crucified Savior.  When the demonic head of hate, division, and lies begins to rear its head, and it almost certainly will, counter it with the gospel of love, unity, and truth.  And don’t just preach it, live this gospel of love in the face of hate, unity in the face of division, and truth in the face of lies.  Absorb these demonic forces in the power that God provides, and put them to death by your refusal to retaliate or propagate them. 
You can find Br. Ephrem's whole sermon (both audio and text version) on our sermon blog.

On Thursday morning, we blessed our newly installed Peace Pole. It greets arriving visitors to the monastery. The message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" is featured in 8 different languages spoken in the Order of the Holy Cross and in Braille.

On Thursday afternoon, the community and our staff celebrated the 75th birthday of Br. Rober James, our Superior with various refreshments in the west atrium in the enclosure.

Thursday mileposts. From top left, clockwise: our Superior, Br. Robert James blessing the Peace Pole (with intern Robb holding the holy water pail - 2 pictures); guests and the monastic community attending the blessing; Br. Robert James checking out his birthday cake(s); Br. Robert Leo offering Br. Robert James a walking stick for shepherding the Holy Cross flock. 

On Satuday, we observed the remembrance of our Departed Brethren with a requiem mass and visits to our columbarium (in the St Michael chapel a.k.a the crypt) and to our cemetary (north of the enclosure building). During the prayers of the people, we name each of our departed brothers in chronological order of their death. We are grateful for each of their monastic lives that support and inspire us still.

Monastery people. From top left, clockwise: Br. Josép teaching a formation class to interns Chris Renshaw and Robb Benson-Ernst (and postulant Ben, online from his cell, recovering from an illness); the community processes towards our cemetery; Br. Robert James (in the red cope) blesses the graves of our departed brothers (two pictures); Br. Bernard with Associate Bishop Brian Cole (Bp of East Tennessee) at Berkeley Center, the homebase of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.

May Peace Prevail On Earth!

1 comment:

Denise Wade said...

Please tell Br Ephram that I have found vrs 1-3 so meaningful and have shared them with friends (whether religious or not.). These three verses are a mantra by which we should all strive to live our lives. Thank you!