Sunday, December 9, 2018

Contemplative Days of Advent, reception of a new Associate

By a fluke of our calendar, we had Contemplative Days again about a month after our previous ones. Usually, they are spaced out two or three months apart. But monks like silence and holy leisure (time to pray, meditate, study, recreate and rest). As usual, we limited the number of guests to fifteen and kept complete silence round-the-clock. I did do some work catch-up (not too much). I also read up on Augustine of Hippo (a Gary Wills short biography; I think I am trying to entice myself to read Augustine himself, eventually...). I also did some light planning for our upcoming Centering Prayer Intensive retreat (May 19 - 26, 2019).

My cell and my office both look out on the Hudson River, so I often notice river traffic going by. This week I noticed the Coast Guard patrolling our waters earlier than usual Often, a Coast Guard icebreaker will keep a navigable channel in the river when it freezes over later in the winter.

The Coast Guard patrolling the Hudson back and forth over a few days.
This weekend, we were back in talking mode to welcome individual guests and parish groups (St James and St Luke in the Fields from Manhattan). On Saturday, Br. Josép received our latest Associate, Devin McKay from Mineola, New York.
From top left, clockwise, Devin McKay reads her Associate Pledge; Br. Josép receives Devin into the Holy Cross family of prayer: the Advent wreath with its second candle lit. (pictures of Devin compliments of Walter McKay, her husband).
If you're intrigued by the possibility of being an Associate, a conversation with Br. Josép is in order. As he likes to say, "It's not as difficult as you may think."

Blessed Advent!

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