Sunday, December 16, 2018

Middle of Advent; are we there yet?

A few weeks ago, we welcomed Ben Hansknecht as our first residential intern. Ben will live with our community for close to a year experiencing the rhythms and duties of a 21st-century Benedictine life. His internship is overseen by Br. Josép. He gets to audit novitiate classes and helps with work in various areas of the monastery. He sits in choir and daily chapter. If you're between 22 and 30 years old and are interested in experiencing monasticism from the inside, get in touch with Br. Josép to start the conversation. Ben is already making many valued contributions to our common life.

Br. Aidan has been forcing flowering bulbs in our common room. Now that they are about to bloom he is spreading them around the monastery. The small narcissi are dainty and fragrant. The amaryllis will be imposing once their massive blooms show up.
From left, clockwise: our postulant Vance Greenway giving Br. Bede a tutorial on making the most of his portable PC; Br. John, our intern Ben Hansknecht and Br. Bob discovering the new weekly rotas on our bulletin board: a fragrant blooming narcissus in Br Bernard's office.
Little by little, "Advent" greenery is making its presence felt around the monastery. Of course, there is the Advent wreath in the church, on which we lit the third candle at Vespers, this past Saturday evening. But fir wreaths have also been spotted at the entrance of the Guest House welcoming visitors. And a 10-foot fir tree has appeared in Pilgrim Hall in time for the Lessons and Carols concert this third Sunday of Advent. Our tradition is to only decorate it with lights until Christmas Eve when we invite our guests to decorate the tree in time for Christmas festivities. One could argue that it's an "Advent tree" until it's fully decorated...
Advent greenery. From top, clockwise: the third candle has been lit on the Advent wreath in the church; a beautiful fir tree graces the North end of Pilgrim Hall; our "Advent tree"; the Advent wreath lit up before Compline.
These last few days a schola (a little choral group) has assembled to prepare Christmas music to present at first Vespers of Christmas on Christmas Eve and at Christmas Mass on Christmas Day. Br. Scott, who is visiting for a few weeks from South Africa, was happy to join. Ben and Vance are welcome additions to our little schola. Br. Josép, our choirmaster, is putting us through our paces to find confidence singing some familiar and some unfamiliar pieces in harmony.
Schola singers and sermon preparation. From left, clockwise: Br. Scott Borden focusing on the tenor part; intern Ben Hansknect paying attention to direction from Br. Josép; Br. Bernard and postulant Vance Greenway; a biblical commentary book on Br. Bernard's desk as a reminder that a sermon is due in church in a little while.
This Sunday afternoon, a host of local readers and the singers of Kairos, our Artist in Residence, will offer our Lessons and Carols concert. We hope you too find opportunities to enjoy God's infinite mercy in this time of hope and expectation.

Advent blessings!

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