On the fourth Sunday of Advent, Brother Aidan and his Mom, Stephanie Owen, went to visit
Brother Rafael at his nursing home in the nearby village of Highland. All three of our nursing home residents came to the monastery on Christmas Day (Brothers Adrian, Lary and Rafael).
That Sunday evening, frequent guest Holly Christiania, from Kingston, NY, gave a reading of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." At intermission, we munched on cookies and enjoyed hot chocolate: "God bless us, everyone!"
Advent 4 Sunday. From top left, clockwise: Br. Aidan and his mom visiting Br. Rafael and bringing him communion; the Advent wreath fully lit; Holly posing for a snapshot in front of the not yet decorated tree; guests at intermission; Br. Aidan congratulating Holly on a lively reading of the story; Brothers bringing presents and goofing off in the Brothers' parking lot. |
Traditionally, we wait until Christmas Eve to deck the halls. Three crews decorate the Brothers' common room in the enclosure, the church and Pilgrim Hall in the guest house. The guests are invited to join in the decoration in the guest house. Brother Laurence teaches guests to do origami which ends up prominently featured on our two Christmas trees (one in the guest house and one in the monastic enclosure).
Decking the halls. From top left, clockwise: a festively decorated Br. Aidan with Br. Bernard: Br. Josép wondering what is making Br. Randy smirk in the enclosure common room; Br. Laurence teaching origami to a guest; their handiwork on the tee; Mike Dickinson, Br. Aidan's uncle trimming the tree. |
Before first Vespers of Christmas (and again before Christmas mass the next morning) a schola of Brothers and our intern Ben Hansknecht sang Christmas pieces interspersed by beautiful cello playing by Sister Karla Holland-Moritz, a Benedictine solitary from California who stayed with us a few weeks.
First Vespers of Christmas. From top left, clockwise: the creche awaiting the arrival of baby Jesus; Sr. Karla playing a Bach piece on the cello; origami on the Christmas tree; Sr. Karla; a fully trimmed tree in the enclosure's common room. |
After first Vespers of Christmas, we laid baby Jesus in his crib. Afterwards, we gathered in Pilgrim Hall for some caroling, more cookies, and eggnog. After a spirited singing session, we reverted to Greater Silence for the night.
Caroling at the foot of the tree. Guests and brothers enjoying the singing. |
On Christmas Day, our various priests were involved in several masses around the region (Br. Bob and Br. Randy are priest-in-charge in Marlboro, West Park, and Red Hook parishes). Our resident, the Rev. Matthew Wright ministered to his parish in Woodstock. And our Br. Aidan presided and preached at the monastery. They were all happy to take a break from their ministerial duties and tuck into a Christmas feast upon their return to the monastery.
From top left, clockwise: The Rev. Matthew Wright and Br. Aidan looking forward to the Christmas dinner; Br. Aidan presiding at the Christmas Eucharist; Mother and Child enjoying the greenery; the fully trimmed Christmas tree throning over Pilgrim Hall; Br. Laurence inspecting the goods befor the Christmas dinner. |
All the monks and residents of Holy Cross Monastery wish you a blessed Christmastide (don't forget Christmas lasts twelve days)!
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