Sunday, October 17, 2021

A quieter fall week, after an eventful one

This past week was quietly passed in worship, prayer and service. How good and pleasant it is when the community lives together in unity (Psalm 133:1a), as we recite each morning at the beginning of our Chapter meeting.

I received pictures of the OHC conferences we held the week before (see below). Thank you to our facilitator, the Rev. Janet Vincent for these pictures.

From left, clockwise: our Postulant, Daniel Beckham positioning the zoom screen on which appears Br. Roger Stewart from St Benedict Priory in Hermanus, South Africa; Daniel between Bros. Bede and Josép participating in the conversation; the Brothers examinining posters with a timeline of the Order prepared by Br. Adam McCoy; many of the Brothers present in West Park for these conferences.

This week, our Church Centennial book went on sale on our Etsy store. Brothers Robert Leo, Randy and Josép did a great job in shepherding this book to its publication. You can also get your copy at the Monk's Cell Bookstore when you visit the monastery.

From left, clockwise: the cover of the Chapel Centennial book; brother and sister Jacob Clark and Leah Gallagher went to the wool and sheep festival in Rhinebeck and came back to crochet and knit on the Great Cloister; The Rev. Gwyneth Murphy was leading a retreat group from Grace Church, Millbrook, NY - this Sunday morning, her husband Michael Lonergan came to worship with us for mass; The Rev. Suzanne Guthrie, from Poughkeepsie, NY, sporting beautiful fall colors for mass this Sunday.

Br. Timothy has started what I call a "Saintpaulia farm." These flowers are also known as African Violets. In French, we call them "Violettes du Cap" in reference to South Africa's Cape of Good Hope (the southenmost tip of Africa). I look forward to the thriving of the "farm."

Monastery blossoms. From top left, clockwise: carnations and mums at the foot of Our Lady and Child; various Sainpaulia blossoms in the hallway for all to enjoy (two pictures); thriving mums and asters in front of the Guesthouse (much beloved of our bees); chrysanthemums; carmantions and mums near the icon of St Benedict.

Will the cooling of the weather spur the leaves to turn their usual fall colors? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How lovely to see all those happy people enjoying the monastery and its surrounds!