Sunday, October 10, 2021

The centennial of St Augustine Chapel and OHC conferences

On Tuesday and Wednesday, The Rev. Martin Smith presented three reflections on the nature and spirituality of worship. They were engaging and stimulating. The monastic community intends to ruminate on what Martin had to say and how it may influence our own worship. Several guests were in attendance in the St Augustine Chapel itself and more were following the presentations online. You can find those recordings on our Facebook page (unfortunately the sound on the first of the three presentations is unsatisfactory).

From top left, clockwise: Martin Smith making a presentation in the chapel (2 pictures); floral arrangements for the centennial by the art of Br. Robert James (3 pictures)

On Thursday, we welcomed the largest group of visitors we have had for the last year and a half for the celebration of the consecration of our chapel a century ago. Our Visiting Bishop Andrew Dietsche honored us with his presence. The Rev. Sean Mullen, Rector of St Mark's Locust St, Philadelphia was our preacher (as his predecessor in the rectorship preached a the consecration hundred years ago).

From top left, clockwise: Bishop Andy Diestche and our Superior, Br. Robert James; view of the choir and visitors court; The Bishop and the Superior listening to the preacher; the monastic community with its visiting bishop; Mr. Daniel Beckham, Postulant, singing in the schola; the same, as crucifer, processing out.

You can hear The Rev. Sean Mullen's sermon on the occasion of our centennial on our sermons blog.

From top left, clockwise: Bishop Dietsche with ourAssistant Superior, Br. Robert Leo, and our Superior, Br. Robert James; our Mrs. Suzette Cayless, Holy Cross Companion reading the old testament; Br. Robert Leo reading the epistle; The Rev. Sean Mullen preaching (2 pictures); (center) the same relaxing on the Great Cloister in company of  The Rev. Christopher Cole.

We two visiting Brothers with us for the centennial: Br. Adam McCoy from Cathedral City, CA, and Br. David Bryan Hoopes from Holy Cross Priory in Toronto, ON.

Attentive Brothers during the centennial mass. From top left, clockwise: Br. Luc; Br. Adam; Br. Robert Hagler; Br. Bernard; Br. Will; Br. Robert James giving greetings at the end of mass; Br. Timothy; Br. Carl Sword (center left); Br. David (center right).

We had two dozens guests over the week. For many, it was a first return to the monastery since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Monastery folks. From top left, clockwise: Suzette Cayless, from Chapel Hill, NC and Carol Craddock, from Mystic, CT; Bros. David and Carl chatting in Pilgrim Hall; Br. Bernard selfies with the CMA Sisters from next door (Sr. Shane, top and Sr. Elizabeth, middle); guests enjoying dinner in the Refectory; newlyweds David and Nancy Ambrose, from Lewisburg, PA, on their honeymoon, no less (2 pictures); our Postulant Daniel Beckham and our Intern Eric Anthony.

On Thursday and Friday, the whole Order of the Holy Cross gathered together for conferences. The West Park brothers and their two visiting brothers gathered in the North end of our Library in the presence of Toronto and Hermanus (South Africa) brothers by the way of Zoom. We had facilitated deliberations on the future of the Order. The Rev. Janet Vincent was our diligent and effective facilitator.

In a typical year, we only all get together at Annual Chapter, in person, in one location. This online occasion was to discuss issues of import to our present and future as an Order. One of the things that came out of the conferences is that we want to get together virtually a few times a year on top of the in person Annual Chapter to deepen our conversation and our bond as an Order.

All in all, it was a busy, fruitful and happy week for the monastery and the Order.

1 comment:

Mollie Williams said...

It is good to see familiar faces of friends I am very fond of and to see you all together. I look forwrd to the time when I am able to b=visit with you again.