Sunday, December 19, 2021

Are we there yet?

Br. Luc continues his long visit to our brothers at St Benedict's Priory in Hermanus, South Africa. Mr. Ephrem Arcement continues his aspirant visit with our community. This weekend, Br. Carl is visiting his elder sister in New Jersey as he regularly does.

The week was spent in silence to accommodate a Centering Prayer retreat on Lectio Divina led by our friend Leslee Terpay.

Each week, Br. Josép convenes an ad hoc schola to rehearse music to be presented on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The schola includes Brothers Aidan, Bernard, John and Josép, Postulant Daniel, Intern Eric and Aspirant Ephrem. They are starting to sound pretty good, if I say so myself.

Other than that, we are doing the Advent thing; waiting expectantly for the joy of celebrating the Incarnation while enjoying God's ever-present incarnation in all of creation already.

On the Hudson River, cargo ships know about waiting. We are at a midpoint between the harbors of New York and Albany. Ships often park in the river near us to wait for a river pilot or the opening of a berth at their port of destination. Bros. Bede and Bernard often check online about the comings and goings of cargo ships that are at anchor near the monastery. There is no guessing how long they will wait there; sometimes a few hours, sometimes several days.

Riverscapes. Various cargo ships at anchor on the river and a stunning sunrise.

Last weekend, we had a beautiful service of Lessons and Carols sung by "Kairos, a consort of singers" and read by several friends from around our region. The public attendance was capped at 50 people because of the pandemic.

People in the church. Br. John preparing readings for first Vespers of Advent 4 C; three readers at the Lessons & Carols (unmasked for a photo instant) - Sr. Shane Phelan, CMA, Ms. Emilie Trautmann and the Rev. Suzanne Guthrie.

This weekend, we are glad to have the visit of our Companion Esther De Waal, from Oxford, England. The community was able to have coffee and conversation with Esther this Sunday morning. She has a new book which we will read in our refectory ("The White Stone. The art of letting go.").

Brothers and a Companion. From top left, clockwise: Ephrem Arcement, Aspirant, in conversation with Bros. Timothy and Randy on their return from Br. Randy's parish, Christ Church, Red Hook; our Companion Esther De Waal enjoying coffee and conversation with the community (3 pictures)

Wishing you a blessed end of Advent.

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