Sunday, December 12, 2021

Expectant and joyful in Advent

Mr. Marc Santana was completing his aspirant visit to us this weekend. Mr. Ephrem Arcement arrived at the beginning of the week to start his own aspirant visit to us. On Tuesday, our Br. Luc left for a three month visit to our Brothers at Saint Benedict Priory in Hermanus, South Africa. Br. Bernard visited General Theological Seminary in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan for his monthly ministry of spiritual direction there. 

Avent sights. From top left, clockwise: Paul Zeigler of Manhattan, NY, working away at a jigsaw puzzle in Pilgrim Hall; Br. Robert James in choir before the first Vespers of Advent 3 (Gaudete - rejoice - Sunday); the Advent wreath wreath with its third candle lit; Advent decoration at the entrance of the church.

Please keep Marc and Ephrem in your prayers as the monastic community and they discern a Holy Cross vocation for them.

From top, clockwise: our latest aspirant, Mr. Ephrem Arcement of New Orleans, LA, admiring the view from the enclosure porch; Ephrem enjoying a sunny moment on the porch; Br. Robert Leo in conversation with our friend Martin Smith in St Gregory meeting room last weekend.

This weekend the guesthouse christmas tree has gone up in Pilgrim Hall. It is an imposing beauty. As is our tradition, we will invite our guests to decorate it (but not before December 23, Advent is not - yet - Christmas).

Sunday mass attendants before the christmas tree (temporarily unmasked in family groups for the photo opp). From top lef, clockwise: Greg O'Shea and Ellen Metzger O'Shea, from Poughkeepsie, NY; the Halls - The Rev. Daniel Hall of Cape May, NJ, and his two children, Sandra Eakin of Villas, NJ, and Christopher Hall of Salisbury, MD; Bruce Stasko of Ramsey, NJ.

It is so good to see long time visitors returning to the monastery. For instance, Daniel Hall, Associate, has visited various Holy Cross houses for decades. He introduced his two children to Holy Cross and they, in their turn, became Associates too. For many years they have often visited together. Now we have to work the Holy Cross charm on Dan's grandchildren...

May you enjoy Advent quiet and rejoicing.

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