Sunday, October 22, 2023

Comings and goings

This past week, the men in formation (postulants, novice and initially professed) were in Duxbury, MA. They stayed at the convent of the Sisters of Saint Margaret. They were there for the CAROA New Members Conference, a meeting of the formators, postulants, novices, and initially professed of the Anglican Religious Orders in the US and Canada. CAROA stands for Conference of Anglican Relgious Orders in the Americas. Rumor has it that a novice was seen swimming in the ocean; brrrrr!

Our formation team at a CAROA event in Duxbury, MA. From top left, clockwise: Br. Marc voguing on the pier; CAROA new members on the beach; view from one of the convent porches; beach sign; the main chapel of the convent. 

Last week, Br. Bernard taught an adult forum on how to write a Rule of Life at St Luke in the Fiels, in NYC. This weekend, Br. Ephrem is teaching an adult forum at St Luke, Darien, CT.

Br. Aidan is away two weeks at our Holy Cross Priory in Toronto, ON. This week is a vacation. Next week, he will be working there in his capacity of OHC Bursar.

This past Monday, we bid goodbye to Jeffrey Costello who ended his postulancy with us. We are grateful for his time of discernment with us and wish him every blessing as he continues his journey.

Blooms and Associates. From top left, clockwise: anemones and grasses with the icon of St Benedict; close-up on the anemones; Montauk daisies and sages at the foot of the Lady and Child statue; group picture of the Associates on the Fall Retreat.

Last weekend, we hosted a group or 20 Associates who came on retreat to learn and reflecte on Benedictine disciplines (such as Eucharist, personal prayer, daily office, study and mission). Five of our Brothers each led a session on a given discipline.

During the retreat we received two new members in the Associates program: Bradden Weaver, of Lancaster, PA, and Ronald Haflidson, of Columbia, MD.

Monastery people. From top left, clockwise: new Associates Brad Weaver (left) and Ron Haflidson; Anthony and Br. Aidan trying out the new guesthouse kitchen for the benefit of the community on their sabbath day; Br. Aidan decorating a birthday cake: Br. Edwin (yellow sweater) inducted in the joys of Qwirkle (from left to right: Bros. Josép and Aidan, and postulant Anthony).

The fall colors are coming into their own in our beautiful Hudson Valley. May you also have autumn blessings.

Morning river view from one of the enclosure porches.

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