Sunday, April 21, 2024

Tulips' turn

This week, Br. Timothy departed for a 10 day visit to Holy Cross School in Makhanda, South Africa. Br. Timothy was instrumental in founding the school many years ago.

This weekend, our men in formation are at an inter-novitiate formation event in Long Branch, NJ. The house quickly seems ligthly populated when five monks are away.

This week, we received The Rev. Cynthia Dopp, from Bethesda, MD, as our newest Associate.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Br. Timothy met with a number of South African Associates at Leela Piennar's home.

Monastery people. From top left, clockwise: Br. Timothy meeting with Makhanda Associates in South Africa; Br. Bernard with The Rev. Cindy Dopp at her reception as an Associate (Br. Josép in the background); most magnolias are fading by now, but not before putting on a magnificent show (2 pictures); intern Clay enjoying a contemplative moment (serenading an ornamental white blossoms cherry tree, and in the company of a Br. Lawrence made bouquet of origami flowers - 2 pictures).

The men in formation are taking good care of the seedlings they started last week. We are using a seed starter shelf with adaptable grow lights. It sits in the enclosure conservatory.

Indoor gardening. From top left, clockwise: vegetable seedling trays under grow lights (2 pictures); intern Clay adapting the grow lights rigth above the seedling trays; Br. Anthony watering a thirsty seedling tray.

The mundane and the holy always mix in all of our lives. And eventually, we realize the mundane is part of the holy. The same in true in the monastery. Tasks need doing with frequency that benefit from focus and attention both in the church and throughout our home and grounds.

Do well, wait a while, and repeat. Tasks that need doing regularly. From top left, clockwise: Br. Robert James stirring trays of curing incense; Holy water waiting for a priest's blessing in the sacristy (2 pictures); twice a week, Br. John does the rounds or the enclosure trash bins and disposes up to four large bags of refuse and recycling material using our ATV to take them up the hill to the apposite dumpsters on the guesthouse parking lot.

Our neighbor Sarrel Isherwood of Hudson Valley FlowerWorks has brought out her flower cart on Route 9W. As in our gardens, tulips are the highlight of the week. The tulips have replaced the magnolia in our church. Depending on the hour of the day, they show off a wide corolla or a tight cup.

Tulips's turn to grace the church. From top left, clockwise: our neighbor Sarrel Isherwood's roadside flower cart (2 pictures); red tulips in front of the St Augustine icon in the church's entrance (2 pictures); buttery colored tulips near St Benedict's icon in the side aisle of the church (3 pictures).

We hope you get to enjoy wildflowers and spring blossoms wherever you are (in the Northern hemisphere that is...).

1 comment:

Suellen Nelson said...

I always love this blog. It keeps me up to date on what's happening in the Monastery and down the street(Sarrel's cart of spring flowers). I was delighted to get a few bunches of tulips after volunteering last week.