Br. Timothy returned home after his visit to Holy Cross School in Makhanda, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Our new intern, Mr. Robb Benson-Ernst, from Plymouth, MN, arrived a couple of weeks ago. For the moment, we have two men in the internship program (Robb and Clay).
This past week, Br. Josép was on retreat at Trinity Retreat Center, in Cornwall, CT.
Br. Robert Leo is currently on vacation in western Pennsylvania.
Sunday of last week, April 28, a choral evensong at St James Cathedral in Toronto was sung in thanksgiving for the Order of the Holy Cross's presence and ministry in the city for 50 years. In addition to the three monks living at Holy Cross Priory on High Park Avenue (Bros. David Hoopes, Reginald Crenshaw, and Leonard Abba), Br. Brian Youngward who resides on Toronto's lakefront was present, as well as three brothers from West Park; Bros. Robert Leo, Bernard and Luc.
Bros. Robert Leo and Bernard were at the Priory for a five day visit. Br. Luc arrived from our St Benedict's Priory in Hermanus, South Africa. He will stay at the Priory until the move out of the house is completed to help the Toronto brothers.
Bros. Reginald and Leonard have already moved to their respective apartment at St Hilda's Senior Community. They will continue to have their respective ministry in Toronto.
After the Priory's move is finalized in the course of this month, Br. David will move to Holy Cross Monastery, in West Park.
The Hudson is visibly greening by the day. Lots of flowering trees are putting on fantastic shows (crab apple, dogwood, ornamental cherry trees).
A week ago, Br. Francis, our beekeeper discovered a swarm near our apiary as the sun was going down. He managed to catch the swarm in the last light. And hey presto, we now have four beehives. Br. Francis is a caring and loving beekeeper. May the "Holy Cross bees" thrive.
Thank God for the faithfulness of many Holy Cross Brothers in Toronto, over the years.
And thank God for the exuberant flowering of a Hudson Valley spring.
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