Sunday, July 7, 2024

Summer Contemplative Days

Br. Timothy is away on a tour with Love Must Act to support and publicize their work with Holy Cross School in Makhanda, South Africa.

On July 1, we had another day of transitions for our community. 

In the early hours of the day, Br. Robert Hagler died peacefully at Ferncliff Nursing Home, in Rhinebeck. He had been cared for there for the last few years. Several brothers had visited him just the day before. He was unresponsive but the Brothers sang hymns, and said prayer for him. May he rest in peace. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

On Tuesday, we chanted the office of the departed for our Brother. His funeral will be at the monastery, on Tuesday, July 16, at 11 a.m.

Br. Robert Hagler, OHC - Rest In Peace

On the day of Br. Robert's death, exactly 12 hours later, we welcomed Mr. Ben Hansknecht who arrived from Michigan to try his monastic vocation with us. We helped him move in. We received Ben as a postulant at matins two days later. You may remember Ben as a one year intern at the monastery, five years ago.

Community life ebbs and flows. The Holy Spirit is mightily at work through it all.

Ben's reception as a postulant. From top left, clockwise: in the background, Br. Robert James, Superior, receives Ben as a postulant and puts him into the good care of our Formator, Br. Josép (behind Ben); Ben being examined as a prospective postulant; Ben embracing the brothers, after being received (embrace by Br. Mpumelelo).

On Monday, we went ahead with our Fourth of July (transferred) cookout plan. As usual, Br. Josép was our grillmaster. He got help from Br. Anthony for a delicious cabbage salad and from Br. Francis for lemon cream pies and brownies. Any weight management plan had to wait for another day...

From Tuesday to this Sunday, we went into greater silence (round-the-clock) and a simplified liturgical schedule for our summer contemplative days. We were accompanied by numerous guests seeking the extra quiet of these days.

Monastery people. From left, clockwise: garden hydrangeas and hostas gracing a desk; brothers enjoying the "July Fourth" cookout (Bros. Mpumelelo, Ephrem, Bruno, Carl and Anthony); Br. Bernard and David Williams at his reception as an Associate.

On Thursday, we received David Williams, of New York City, as our latest Associate. David's husband had accompanied him for the occasion. Have you ever considered if you belonged in our Associate program? Contact Br. Bernard for a conversation, or more information.

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